Hanging out Holiday-Style

           Are you hanging out this holiday?  The last few years I didn’t do too much socializing and let my holidays just kind of come and go without really taking in the festivities.  It was hard to find my Happy during the holidays.

For more than a decade after my mother passed away, I spent all of my holidays with my Dad.  It was usually just he and I with dinner from church or something from a restaurant, and we’d sit around watching movies.  Great memories.  But, after he passed away, it took me awhile to adjust.  Now I would love Christmas morning watching my grandchildren open presents.  However, holidays can be hard when you’re missing a loved one.  This year, I decided it was going to be different; I was going to hang out for the holidays.  And, I’m sure enough having fun!

Yet, when we’re trying to get into the swing of things it might take a little extra effort.  Sometimes we just have to “make” ourselves go.  There have been times I’ve told myself, “Okay, 30 minutes in and out.” What’s interesting is that once you get there, you usually realize, ‘It’s not that bad; maybe I could even enjoy myself for a little while.”  I know that most of the time, I’ve ended up having a pretty decent time, and was glad I went.


Being around people is a great way to reduce stress and depression especially this time of year.  After all, studies show that socializing is one of the top ways to get happy.  So, don’t spend most of your time alone or unhappy.  There are lots of fun things going on, and lots of good people to be around.  It has really helped put the Happy in my holiday.

Don’t know what’s going on?  You soon can.  There are many ways to find out the happenings by looking in local magazines / newspapers or searching on-line.  Look for charity events to volunteer for or to attend.  See what local communities, churches, organizations are planning.  Maybe just stop by and listen to the carolers at the mall. Try www.meetup.com for local groups doing something you might be interested in.   Enjoy the opportunity to be around other people who also want to have a good time.  Ask friends, colleagues and neighbors what they’re doing, you might get some fun ideas.  Then, make sure “make” yourself go if you have to.  Besides, your being there, might help someone else have a Happier Holiday too.

– Be Happy – Lauren

Lauren Hudson is a Reporter, Speaker and Author, known as “The Happiness Princess.”   For more, visit:  www.EverythingHappiness.com


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